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Planning Board Minutes 3/13/14
Planning Board meeting minutes for Thursday March 13, 2014

Meeting opened at 7:15

Members present: Tom Sawyer, Maggie Leonard, co-chair, Stephen Enoch, co-chair, Roger Tryon, Alan Salamon via phone, Larry Klein (arrived 7:45).

Members of the public: Chris Tryon of Berkshire Geo-Technologies.

Chris Tryon presented a Form A plan for Robert and Shirley Annelli for their Corashire Rd. property, also known as Woodburn Farm. The plan creates two lots: lot #1 has 2.550 acres and 252.17 feet of road frontage with a house and a shed; lot #2 is 2.723 acres with 280.36 feet of road frontage with the old farm house, a barn, and a couple of sheds. Roger Tryon made a motion to approve the plan, which was seconded by Stephen Enoch and unanimously approved.

The minutes from January 9, 2014 and February 27, 2014 were approved as written.

The board reviewed an application for a special permit submitted by Cobb for 34 Northeast Cove Rd. The packet seems to be incomplete with regard to exact setback infringement info as well as measurements of the existing garage. The board will review the application again at the March 27th meeting.

The board reviewed the letter from the ZBA that lists areas of concerns with the Zoning Bylaws. The Planning Board will draft a letter to the ZBA and then make a plan to meet. It was agreed that since the closing date for the warrant is March 24, 2014, it would not be possible to introduce any changes at the annual town meeting in May 2014.

The board continued discussions regarding ADU’S. Salamon suggested that we make a list of items and issues, and stated that if the board gets a handle on those items then creating the zoning bylaw will be easier. The board agreed to discuss the list at the next meeting.
List of items/questions:
  • By-right/building permit or special permit?
  • Restricted to minimum two acres?
  • Restrict size of ADU to a certain number of square feet?
  • Does it need to be owner occupied?
  • Only to be used by related parties or open to all tenants?
  • Must be attached to primary dwelling?
  • Parking & number of vehicles
  • Need additional road frontage greater than 200’, or not?
  • Definition of kitchen
The board opened the mail. There was a flyer for a workshop on housing needs in western Massachusetts and a notice for a public hearing in Sandisfield on March 17, 2014.

Klein made a motion to close the meeting, which was seconded by Sawyer. The meeting was closed at 9:07 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted
Maggie Leonard, co-chair